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Pool – Conditions of Use
1. The Pool and Spa are available for use daily from 6:00am - 10:00pm
2. Pool and Spa users enter the area at their own risk.
3. For accidents and emergencies phone 000.
4. Glass is not permitted within 3 metres of pool or spa.
5. Children under 10 years must be supervised by an adult at all times.
6. No diving, jumping, bombing or rough play in the pool or spa. No running in this area.
7. Persons with an infectious or contagious disease or skin complaint must not use the pool or spa.
8. Pool and spa users must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
9. No food, drink, confectionary or gum to be consumed in the pool or spa. Smoking is not permitted in any Common area.
10. Each Resident may have no more than 3 Guests present in any Common area. Residents must remain with Guests at all times in all Common areas.
11. Soap, detergent or other substance must not be used in the pool or spa.
12. Loud, disorderly, immoral, aggressive or inappropriate behaviour is not permitted in any Common area.
13. Full, appropriate swimming attire must be worn at all times